Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dino Disco

The class has taken the next big step in their math career...learning multiplication! The students have been off to a strong start by learning their 0's, 1's, and 2's. They aren't to shabby on their 3's and 5's either! To mix it up a little, we played a multiplication practice game called Dino Disco. After the class answered  7 problems correct the Dino earned a new dance move. The kids really got a kick out of this and at the end of the game you were able to choreograph your own dino dance with all the moves you earned. This activity got the kids so excited to practice their multiplication. I had students asking me what the website was that they could go to at home. The second time we played the game, a student shared that she had been practicing at home and had explored other interactive math games as well. This was an awesome feeling as a teacher, to know you had inspired your students to not only practice their math at home, but to know they had fun doing it. These types of  small rewards you receive as a teacher, make it all worth it!
Here is the awesome webite:

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