Sunday, September 14, 2008

And So It Begins...

The start of another school year has quickly come upon us. An exciting, nervous energy is in the air, as we all begin to shift gears from warm summer fun to cool back to school. Well, forget about the cool part for now anyway, I'm sweating more in the classroom, than at the gym! Maybe it's my nerves, but I prefer to blame it on the humidity. Mrs. Shugarman has graciously opened up her 3rd grade classroom to me for my student teaching experience. In the short time I have been in the classroom, I've come to a realization of what the definition of "student teaching" really means.

Student Teaching: Real students, teaching me everything I need to know about teaching.

I'm truely, grateful to be working with such great staff and students at Waterloo Elementary. I look forward to sharing my "ahh-ha" moments with you along the way.

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